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Lab Cycle Diagrams

The first cycle of Grove3547 ran for a four month period. This period is what we call “one cycle” or a Minimum Viable Lab. While very short, this allows enough time to demonstrate the process and generate value within the system. This diagram shows the birds-eye-view breakdown of activities over the four month period including specific workshops each month and then the monthly sprints where prototyping teams are working independently to test out the latest versions of the prototypes.

The repeating cycles of a lab look something like this:

This is a full, detailed timeline of one cycle including preconditions:


The end

The Grove’s 2nd Studio Workshop

The Grove’s 2nd studio workshop was held November 15-16, 2016 at Gallery Guichard in Bronzeville. The workshop’s main goals were to enable the prototyping teams to reconnect as a whole, meet with a number of guests and allies in the community and to explore ways that their prototypes could be integrated into the broader system. They also sought to receive input and feedback from community members and friends, and share learnings across teams. There was also an structured opportunity for teams to decide whether to “pivot or persevere”, meaning  change direction drastically or continue with their current strategic direction. Teams also planned and shared next steps of their work in relation to their prototypes.

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Studio 2

The Facilitator Agenda for the 2nd Studio provides a detailed breakdown of the Hosting and Facilitation Teams’ agenda for the 2nd Studio Workshop. It highlights timings, processes and notes for the team to consider and keep in mind during the workshop. Agendas like this were usually designed in advance, and then iterated a number of times before and during the process to adjust and adapt to the shifting context within the group and the project.



The Participants Agenda for the 2nd Studio was given to participants in advance of the workshop. It shows the days activities as well as the co-created purpose and intentions of the workshop.



The Studio 2 Evaluation Form was given to participants at the close of the 2nd Studio to gauge their experience and offer feedback to the Hosting Team.



The Studio 2 Workshop Report documents the proceedings of the 2nd Studio. It provides information from the different sessions of the workshop, and highlights the processes and some of the methods used during the studio.

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