Learning Journeys

Learning Journeys were used during the Kick-off Workshop to deepen the lab participants’ and hosting team’s understanding of the social system they are working to impact. A learning journey is really just an an informal, loosely structured visit with a local organization, person or place. It is an opportunity to understand what challenges and opportunities are arising in the system and to get an inside perspective into the specific context of the social challenge at hand.

Grove3547 teams visited City Hall, The Juvenile Detention Center, a local Bronzeville cultural historian, Mikva Challenge (a local youth empowerment organization), and other locations during their Learning Journeys.


The Learning Journey Protocol was given to Learning Journey participants for guidance during their Learning Journey.



The Learning Journey Guide for Hosts provides information for organizations that have agreed to host a learning journey, providing a little guide so they know what to expect and what is being requested of them.



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